The ultimate memecoin. It’s forg season anon, now it’s Smug’s turn to reign.

Pumpkin Vision
At Pumpkin Head, we envision

This is not a joke!

You said the 100000 th visitor!


SMUG FROG, also known as SMUG Pepe, is a reaction image of a smug-looking frog based on an original cartoon illustration of Pepe the Frog, better known as Feels Good Man and Sad Frog, drawn by webcomic artist Matt Furie.

Smug is here to revive Frog season. It launched stealthily with no presale, no taxes, burned LP, and renounced contract ownership. $SMUG is a coin designed for the people, forever. Powered by pure memetic strength, let $SMUG lead the way.
Smug Frog TOKEN
Zero taxes, no nonsense. It’s straightforward.
Liquidity provider (LP) tokens are burned, and the contract ownership is renounced.
Buy now
420 690 000 000 000
TAX :0%


How to buy
  • Set Up a Wallet
    Download MetaMask or your preferred wallet for free from the App Store or Google Play Store. Desktop users can install the Google Chrome extension by visiting
  • Acquire Some ETH
    Ensure you have ETH in your wallet to exchange for $SMUG. If you don’t have any ETH, you can purchase it directly on MetaMask, transfer it from another wallet, or buy it on another exchange and send it to your wallet.
  • Visit Uniswap
    Connect to Uniswap by visiting in Google Chrome or using the browser within your MetaMask app. Connect your wallet, then paste the SMUG FROG address into Uniswap. Select Pepe and confirm. When MetaMask prompts for a wallet signature, approve it.
  • Exchange ETH for $SMUG
    Swap ETH for $SMUG. We have ZERO taxes, so you don’t need to worry about setting a specific slippage. However, you might need to use slippage during periods of market volatility.
  • Phase 1

    Official website white paper release
    Community establishment
    X establishment
    Contract production completed
    Marketing Initiation

  • Phase 2

    Launch of community activities
    Community prize drawing
    SMUG swap development

  • Phase 3

    Log in to more Cex, Dex
    Emotion Pack Competition
    New roadmap

  • Phase 4

    Large scale marketing promotion
    Collaborate with more multimedia
    Capture Elon Musk X
    CMC, CG List
    Meme Takeover

SMUG FROG is not affiliated with Matt Furie or his creation, Pepe the Frog. This token pays homage to a beloved meme that is widely recognized and cherished.

SMUG FROG is a meme coin with no inherent value or financial expectations. There is no formal team or roadmap associated with it. The coin is purely for entertainment purposes and holds no utility.